Targeting Mealtime Glucose Excursions and Glycemic Control in T2DM - Final Assessment

Launch Date:
November 18, 2022
This post-activity assessment will ascertain the knowledge gained as a result of your participation in this initiative.

John E. Anderson, MD

Internal Medicine and Diabetes
The Frist Clinic
Nashville, TN

Dr. John E. Anderson practices internal medicine and diabetes at the Frist Clinic in Nashville, Tennessee. He has served as a Past President of the 40 member multi-specialty clinic, and has served leadership roles at Centennial Medical Center, an 800 bed HCA tertiary care referral hospital. He has served as Chair of the Department of Medicine for two separate terms and has been a member and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Centennial. Dr. Anderson has served as a long-time volunteer for the American Diabetes Association both locally and nationally. He has participated on multiple committees and task forces, and was Chair of National Advocacy. He has served two separate terms on the National Board of Directors for the ADA, as well as three years on the Executive Committee. In 2013 he received the Banting Medal for service as President of Medicine and Science for the ADA. In addition to his primary care practice, Dr. Anderson continues to consult and lecture both nationally and internationally, with a focus on improving the care of people with diabetes in the primary care setting.

Wendy Lane, MD

Clinical Endocrinologist
Mountain Diabetes and Endocrine Center
Asheville, NC

Wendy Lane MD is a clinical endocrinologist at the Mountain Diabetes and Endocrine Center in Asheville NC where she also served as the center's director of clinical research from 2002 to 2022. Dr. Lane has served as principal investigator for over 50 clinical trials of novel diabetes therapies including insulin and non-insulin medications, insulin delivery systems, and continuous glucose monitoring in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Her main clinical and research focus has been the management of patients with insulin resistance and high insulin requirements. Dr. Lane has published over 30 original articles in peer-reviewed journals on the management of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and has lectured on the management of insulin-resistant diabetes at numerous national and international conferences.
Utilize validated, evidence-based measurement tools beyond A1c to identify patients with T2DM who could benefit from the addition of a rapid-acting mealtime insulin (MTI) to their current treatment regimen
Identify and address factors that contribute to delays in treatment intensification, including the documented underuse of newer insulins, among patients with T2DM
Implement individualized treatment strategies that incorporate the use of newer insulins, including rapid-acting MTIs, for appropriate patients with T2DM
Utilize the full diabetes care team, with a focus on the use of telehealth services, to educate and support patients with T2DM who are either prescribed or may be candidates for newer insulin formulations